Search Results for "Light"
Blue Ring Gaffer’s Glass
The Blue Ring Gaffer’s Glass™ is an essential “Tool of the Trade” for professional set lighting. It is designed to allow you to locate the center of your key light or “hot spot” to accurately determine where to position lighting to achieve optimum coverage.
Made in the USA

Neutral Density (ND) Filters
Schneider Neutral Density (ND) filters are designed to control exposure or depth of field under various lighting conditions without affecting color or contrast.

Hollywood Black Magic Filters
Combining the best attributes of the Schneider HD Classic Soft and Black Frost, these stunning filters remove unsightly blemishes and wrinkles while providing an airbrushed texture to the image.

Super Grips
The Super Grip™ Support System is the most cost-effective means of getting a motion shot. Super Grips™ allows you to safely mount a camera, or lights, on the side of a car or boat – or anywhere there is a relatively flat, non-porous surface. It provides a sturdy, dependable support for those action shots which might otherwise require complicated and expensive rigging.
Made in the USA

Rosco Lens Fluid
- The professionals choice for over 50 years
- Easy to use, fast drying
- No streaking, no residue
- Ammonia and detergent free
- No glycerin or oily additives

Rosco Matte Black Cinefoil
Matte Black Cinefoil is a matte black aluminum material that virtually soaks up light. Ideal for masking light leaks and/or eliminating unwanted reflections. It can be quickly molded to form barndoors, flags and other configurations. Lightweight, yet durable, Cinefoil can be quickly positioned in place with tape, staples or adhesives.